“The visit to Calumet was an emotional moment for me. I stuggled to put it down on paper. It’s the ending I always wanted to write.”
-Fred M. Kray
I was unable to visit Calumet while writing BROKEN. In 2024 I was finally able to get on the Farm and visit all the places I had written about over the past five years. Visiting Alydar’s gravesite in the Calumet cemetery was an emotional moment for me. I’ll cherish it forever. I struggled to put it down on paper. It’s the ending I always wanted to write.
The Epilogue will update automatically if you purchased the ebook or audiobook (The audio update is still being recorded). If you bought a print version, the Epilogue is available here to read and/or download. As a thank-you to all those who helped BROKEN become a success, I’m making available signed copies of the Epilogue free. If you want one, provide your mailing information below and it will be mailed to you.
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I was finally able to get onto Calumet Farm. I can’t tell you how. I can’t tell you who was with me. I can’t tell you when. I didn’t know if it was a sanctioned visit, and I didn’t ask. I hardly slept the night before—the prospect of seeing all the things I had written about for the first time fueling a once-in-a-lifetime anticipation. Of course, I got there early. While waiting, I was struck by…